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Nepeta subsessilis 'Pink Dreams'

Nepeta subsessilis 'Pink Dreams'

Regular price $8.99 USD
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The soft, dreamy look of these classic, cottage-garden plants belies their tough nature. Catmints are generally very easy to grow in any sunny location but happiest in well-drained soil.

'Pink Dreams' is a vigorous bloomer. Pink flowers spikes rise above the bushy clump of aromatic foliage from July through September. Cut back after the first flush of flowers to encourage quick rebloom.

Unlike many of its relatives, this catmint prefers cool soil and lots of moisture. Northern growers: plant in full sun. Southern grows: plant in part shade.

Zones: 3 to 9

Family: Lamiaceae

Type: Perennial

Height: 18 to 24 in.

Spread: 12 to 18 in.

Exposure: full sun to part-shade

Soil Conditions: average, moist, well-drained

Bloom Time: June to August

Bloom Color: brilliant soft and intensive pink

Native Range: Japan


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